

Skill: reading

Site: NetAcademy2

Level : 3

Topic: Why do we feel that people who use their mobile phones while useing public transpertation are nuisance?

Main point : We don't fell good about "open-loop" (conversation that we can see only one people).

Your Score
: 3/3

Key language points to review (words or rules):
*loop : a shape like a curve or a circle made by a line curving back towards itself, or s piece of wire, string etc that has this shape

Lesson Rating: :(

Comments: (too easy / interesting / not effective)
Skill: reading

Site: NetAcademy2

Level : 5

Topic: The origin of Thanksgiving Day

Main point : There are many myths about the origin of Thanksgiving Day. The strong myth is that native Americans and immigrants cooperated with each other to get through terrible cold of winter. After that they cereblated. That is the origin of Thanksgiving Day.

Your Score : 2/3

Key language points to review (words or rules):
*purport to… : to claim to be or do something, even if this is not true
*inception : the start of an organization or institution
*customary : useal
*prevailing : current
*rendition : someone's performance of a play, piece of music etc
*domain : an area of activity, interest, or knowledge, especially one that a particular person, organization etc deal with
*arduous : involving a lot of strength and effort
*benevolent : kind and gererous
*cultivate : to prepare and use land for growing crops and plants
*due to… : expected to happen or arrive at a particular time
*slave : someone who is owned by another person and works for them for no money
*reside : to live in a particular place
*baptize : to perform the ceremony of baptism on someone
*reliant : depend on someone or something
*christen : to officially give a child its name at a Christian religious ceremony

Lesson Rating: :/

Comments: (too difficult / effective)

Self-evaluation: * * *

Study time: 50 minutes

(studied hard / concentrated / thought about my progress)

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